Sunday, 26 June 2011

Week 5 complete

Week 5 complete

Yeah! I'm half way through :-)

3 pull ups - 15 points
50 press ups - 100 points
20:35 run - 86 points
201 points

I've had a poor week with regard to my diet and nutrition, but it was my birthday so I'll forgive myself, though the run certainly didn't forgive me! I was only a couple of seconds slower but it nearly destroyed me in the process. It's amazing hoe a couple of days not sticking to the nutrition plan can affect you! I've been working out as usual but just slipped on the food and alcohol :-(

My problem now is that over the next 4 weeks I have a very busy schedule. I've got two weeks of long days, followed by two weeks in Kuwait for work followed by a week in Atlanta on some training for work. This will make it difficult to keep to the nutrition and exercise program however all I can do is do as much as I can depending on the hotels facilities and be disciplined on the food. I'll probably just keep on going with the program anyway until I achieve the body shape I am looking for though the changes are starting to show now.

I'll let you know how it goes.


Friday, 24 June 2011

Week 4 Complete

Well I forgot to do my blog last week and update you all on my scores. So here it is.

Score 184
Pull ups: 2
Press ups: 45
Run: 20:33

Again, I have been pushing myself on the upper body and especially the pull ups. It's my birthday on friday so I'm out celebrating etc which means that my diet is going to be affected this week. My back is! no problems with it and looking forward to pushing myself again this week.

My statistics for the weekly exercises are still on the way up and showing green arrows on my spreadsheet so happy with that too!


Friday, 17 June 2011

Day 25


I just want to make a quick blog about two things. The first is my back as it's been quite sore this this for some reason. I wouldn't say that the TSC is the reason as I've had issues with it since an accident I had whilst in the army but it's been playing up. If something like this happens to you during your program then you simply HAVE to look after yourself first and foremost! There's no sense in trying to macho it out and causing more pain. Yesterday for my cardio session I went swimming as there's no impact shock to the body like running has, plus it's also a good workout! I'd forgotten how hard it actually is :-)

The other thing is that I've had a couple of days in a hotel for work and it's difficult to keep to your nutrition plan when away from home. But if you are sensible at breakfast and dinner then you can restrict the fat you're taking in. I had sushi which was really good.

Keep going guys and make that change.


Saturday, 11 June 2011

Week 3 - Day 19 - TSC Challenge

Week 3 - Day 19 - TSC Challenge

1 pull up (1.5 actually but I'm not allowed to count that apparently!)
35 press ups (up by 8)
21:09 for the run (44 seconds faster)
Score 156 (up by 15 points)

Body weight 99.5kg
Waist is still 39"

I've been working hard on my pull ups this week and the muscles that are used during them. I've been doing 30 weight assisted pull ups (the machine that balances your weight) by taking off 50kg from my weight. I'm slowly decreasing the weight I'm taking off and keeping the pull ups to good form but it made little difference to my TSC this week, I'm going to keep on doing it though as I don't see any other way of getting better at them.

I seem to have sustained an injury to my left shoulder which is causing me some discomfort during working out. I think it's tendon related where they all join the bone on the front of the shoulder. When doing bench presses the shoulder almost gives way and collapses on the bottom of the movement so I'm having to do half presses and not let the bar go all the way to my chest. I'm going to have to keep a close eye on it and make sure I look after it so I can complete the program.

Here are my statistics for the weeks so far, good to see that everything is going up :-)

Other than that I'm feeling good, feeling strong, fit, healthy. All the things you want to feel whilst putting this much effort into something.

Keep going and stay committed to yourself, this is for you after all.


Monday, 6 June 2011

Day 14


I'm going to blog less often now as I'm sure you get the idea! I'll definitely blog about my weekly statistics so you can see the change that's occuring in my body, and therefore see the benefit of this program. I'll also blog about other nuggets of knowledge that are worth passing on.

I recently vlogged over at about the value of a training partner and how that can help in keeping motivation levels high, how the mutual committment you are making to each other really helps. So check that out.

Either way, no body pain, no DOMS (so no ice bath thankfully!). The body and mind both feel good.

Remember to eat well, to drink lots of water (I've almost exclusively had nothing else), get a good deal of sleep (8 hours a night), and stretch after finishing your workout. Then just enjoy the results as you gain the body you've wanted for so long.


Saturday, 4 June 2011

Week 2 - Day 12 TSC 300

Week 2 - Day 12 - TSC 300 Challenge.

Hey, it's been a few days since my last blog but things are good! The body is responding well to the diet and exercise, no pains to speak of. Feeling strong and feeling focused at work, in fact; I've just had a promotion! :-)

I've been able to up my weights in nearly all areas this week and my cardio runs are much further.

My week 2 TSC score is 136. 1 pull up, 30 press ups and the run took 21:53. This is an increase of 14 points over last week so I'm happy with that. My weight is down to 99.6kg (started at 103), I'm really happy about that! My waist has actually gone to 39.5 inches (up by half an inch) but I was at a BBQ yesterday celebrating my new job so that's not surprising really. I'm sure it will drop again next week.

So I'm feeling good and seeing results. Happy.

Something I have noticed is that I think I'm slacking on the food front, in that I'm not tracking what I'm eating so I don't actually know if I'm sticking to my profile or not. I'm eating the same stuff so it's not far off but I just don't know. I'll have to back on top on that though.

I've mentioned this spread sheet a couple of times now, so I thought it was about time that I showed you what I mean. The image to the right shows my performance statistics for the TSC 300 challenge and my weight training throughout the week. The charts are simply visual representations of the increase in performance (more weight or more AMAP's). The chart in the lower right shows the percentage increase over the previous week. If I can work out how to post the spread sheet here on the blog I will do that so you can use it.
