Tuesday, 24 May 2011

TSC Body Transformation

Hi everyone.

I want to talk to you about the TSC Transformation Super Challenge created by Chris Krueger. You can read all you like about the program over at http://tscheartofachampion.com/ and also his youtube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TSuperChallenge.

Essentially it is a 10 week exercise and nutrition program which Chris Krueger has detailed and made into a book. I'm not sure what commercial benefits he is getting out of this, if any, but from what I've seen he does come across as a sensible (if quite extroverted) guy that wants to dispell some health rumours. The exercise program itself is quite basic and consists of leg exercises on monday, cardio on tuesday, back on wednesday, cardio on thursday, arms on friday. On saturday you are to take the TSC 300 challenge which is a way of measuring your improvement over the 10 weeks. It is as many as possible pulls up (chin ups) as you can, as many push ups as you can, and a 3 mile run as fast as you can. Each exercise scores a number of points up to 100 giving a maxium total of 300 points.

So, I'm doing the TSC body transformation program and I want to pass on the lessons that I learned to anyone that wants to also transform their body. First I want to explain why I'm doing it. I used to be in the British Army (yeah, I'm British), and left at 30 years old. I'm now almost 37 and have been getting slowly less fit and more fat. The summer is coming so I want to maximise what I've got by being in the best shape that I can. This is about feeling happier and more confident about myself.

This blog will have regular updates on my exercises and diet, and I'm hoping to do a weekly vlog via youtube showing my body change. I'm not about to create a video showing how great I look at the end like others (though I do hope I look great), I want to pass on the knowledge so that it isn't such a daunting prospect for others that want to do it. Something I don't want to do is detail everything and potentially take customers away from Chris' program. I just want to give you some information about how it went for me, what I did, what I ate, what problems I faced and how I overcame them.

There you go. I'm doing it. If you want to do it too and make a change in your life then head over to Chris' page and buy the program, it's simply a pdf document that you can print out, read and follow. Then watch his other videos, and the videos of other TSC'ers (as they're called) for motivation. It's achievable, I'm sure of that. It will hurt and it will take some major committment but it can be done.


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