Sunday, 26 June 2011

Week 5 complete

Week 5 complete

Yeah! I'm half way through :-)

3 pull ups - 15 points
50 press ups - 100 points
20:35 run - 86 points
201 points

I've had a poor week with regard to my diet and nutrition, but it was my birthday so I'll forgive myself, though the run certainly didn't forgive me! I was only a couple of seconds slower but it nearly destroyed me in the process. It's amazing hoe a couple of days not sticking to the nutrition plan can affect you! I've been working out as usual but just slipped on the food and alcohol :-(

My problem now is that over the next 4 weeks I have a very busy schedule. I've got two weeks of long days, followed by two weeks in Kuwait for work followed by a week in Atlanta on some training for work. This will make it difficult to keep to the nutrition and exercise program however all I can do is do as much as I can depending on the hotels facilities and be disciplined on the food. I'll probably just keep on going with the program anyway until I achieve the body shape I am looking for though the changes are starting to show now.

I'll let you know how it goes.


Friday, 24 June 2011

Week 4 Complete

Well I forgot to do my blog last week and update you all on my scores. So here it is.

Score 184
Pull ups: 2
Press ups: 45
Run: 20:33

Again, I have been pushing myself on the upper body and especially the pull ups. It's my birthday on friday so I'm out celebrating etc which means that my diet is going to be affected this week. My back is! no problems with it and looking forward to pushing myself again this week.

My statistics for the weekly exercises are still on the way up and showing green arrows on my spreadsheet so happy with that too!


Friday, 17 June 2011

Day 25


I just want to make a quick blog about two things. The first is my back as it's been quite sore this this for some reason. I wouldn't say that the TSC is the reason as I've had issues with it since an accident I had whilst in the army but it's been playing up. If something like this happens to you during your program then you simply HAVE to look after yourself first and foremost! There's no sense in trying to macho it out and causing more pain. Yesterday for my cardio session I went swimming as there's no impact shock to the body like running has, plus it's also a good workout! I'd forgotten how hard it actually is :-)

The other thing is that I've had a couple of days in a hotel for work and it's difficult to keep to your nutrition plan when away from home. But if you are sensible at breakfast and dinner then you can restrict the fat you're taking in. I had sushi which was really good.

Keep going guys and make that change.


Saturday, 11 June 2011

Week 3 - Day 19 - TSC Challenge

Week 3 - Day 19 - TSC Challenge

1 pull up (1.5 actually but I'm not allowed to count that apparently!)
35 press ups (up by 8)
21:09 for the run (44 seconds faster)
Score 156 (up by 15 points)

Body weight 99.5kg
Waist is still 39"

I've been working hard on my pull ups this week and the muscles that are used during them. I've been doing 30 weight assisted pull ups (the machine that balances your weight) by taking off 50kg from my weight. I'm slowly decreasing the weight I'm taking off and keeping the pull ups to good form but it made little difference to my TSC this week, I'm going to keep on doing it though as I don't see any other way of getting better at them.

I seem to have sustained an injury to my left shoulder which is causing me some discomfort during working out. I think it's tendon related where they all join the bone on the front of the shoulder. When doing bench presses the shoulder almost gives way and collapses on the bottom of the movement so I'm having to do half presses and not let the bar go all the way to my chest. I'm going to have to keep a close eye on it and make sure I look after it so I can complete the program.

Here are my statistics for the weeks so far, good to see that everything is going up :-)

Other than that I'm feeling good, feeling strong, fit, healthy. All the things you want to feel whilst putting this much effort into something.

Keep going and stay committed to yourself, this is for you after all.


Monday, 6 June 2011

Day 14


I'm going to blog less often now as I'm sure you get the idea! I'll definitely blog about my weekly statistics so you can see the change that's occuring in my body, and therefore see the benefit of this program. I'll also blog about other nuggets of knowledge that are worth passing on.

I recently vlogged over at about the value of a training partner and how that can help in keeping motivation levels high, how the mutual committment you are making to each other really helps. So check that out.

Either way, no body pain, no DOMS (so no ice bath thankfully!). The body and mind both feel good.

Remember to eat well, to drink lots of water (I've almost exclusively had nothing else), get a good deal of sleep (8 hours a night), and stretch after finishing your workout. Then just enjoy the results as you gain the body you've wanted for so long.


Saturday, 4 June 2011

Week 2 - Day 12 TSC 300

Week 2 - Day 12 - TSC 300 Challenge.

Hey, it's been a few days since my last blog but things are good! The body is responding well to the diet and exercise, no pains to speak of. Feeling strong and feeling focused at work, in fact; I've just had a promotion! :-)

I've been able to up my weights in nearly all areas this week and my cardio runs are much further.

My week 2 TSC score is 136. 1 pull up, 30 press ups and the run took 21:53. This is an increase of 14 points over last week so I'm happy with that. My weight is down to 99.6kg (started at 103), I'm really happy about that! My waist has actually gone to 39.5 inches (up by half an inch) but I was at a BBQ yesterday celebrating my new job so that's not surprising really. I'm sure it will drop again next week.

So I'm feeling good and seeing results. Happy.

Something I have noticed is that I think I'm slacking on the food front, in that I'm not tracking what I'm eating so I don't actually know if I'm sticking to my profile or not. I'm eating the same stuff so it's not far off but I just don't know. I'll have to back on top on that though.

I've mentioned this spread sheet a couple of times now, so I thought it was about time that I showed you what I mean. The image to the right shows my performance statistics for the TSC 300 challenge and my weight training throughout the week. The charts are simply visual representations of the increase in performance (more weight or more AMAP's). The chart in the lower right shows the percentage increase over the previous week. If I can work out how to post the spread sheet here on the blog I will do that so you can use it.


Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Day 9 - cardio

Feeling good on day 9!

Yep, I upped my weight yesterday and had a run this morning for my cardio and while the legs are tired they are 100% better than they were last week! No ice bath for me thank you very much :-)

I managed 3.7 km on the treadmill this morning which was further than the run I did last week and I did it on the Tuesday where last week I was having problems walking! I also did some weight assisted pull ups. This is a machine where you stand on a platform the moves with you and you can add weight to the balance you out (does that make sense?). So I did 30 pull ups with 50kg taken off my body weight meaning I was lifting just over 50kg. I did this as the pull ups are a big concern for me and the area where I think will present the biggest challenge to score well on a Saturday. I figure that by doing lots of reps even with a lower body weight will help to increase my strength and allow me to do more pull ups. Right?

But anyway, I'm feeling good. I can happily say that the program is having a positive effect on me and I can recommend that people should try this for themselves. Go to the site, get the program and start making a difference in your life.


Monday, 30 May 2011

Day 8 - Legs

Day 8 - Legs

I was able to up my weight this week, I knew I could do this as I was doing far too many AMAP's last week. So my lunges went from 6 and 8 up to 10kg with 6 AMAP. Squats were still at 20kg with 5 AMAP (up by two). RDL's were up from 6kg to 10kg but still with 12 AMAP. Calf raises (they still hurt) were up from 4kg to 6kg with 4 AMAP. So I've still got areas that I can increase the weight and get more benefit from the exercise, I'm going to increase everything but the calf raises aiming to only be able to push out 3 or 4 AMAP's at the end of each set.

The body feels pretty good actually. I noticed Sunday night that my body was pretty much back to normal, a little tightness across the chest and triceps but nothing bad at all. This is a really good thing as I'm now heading into week 2 feeling "normal", no pain to speak of that would lessen my experience. I really need to push hard on the upper body exercises (actually destroy myself on the day) so that I can improve my pull ups. I have been doing narrow, under arm pull ups which tend to focus on the biceps (unless I'm doing them wrong!), so I might try slightly wider pull ups to get more of my back involved in the lifting.

As I've previously said, I'm going to blog much less about my meals, I just wanted to lay out what I had in the first week for anyone that's thinking of doing the Challenge so they can see the kind of things they need to do. I will blog about any tips I've picked up along the way though. Such as, if you're low on your protein then try low fat natural yoghurt. Again, always check the "of which sugars" content value and make sure that you are not throwing loads of sugar into your bloodstream or you'll never burn the fat. I picked up some Sainsbury's natural, pro-biotic, greek yoghurt which I've had with fruit for breakfast - it's quite nice actually!

If you are still delaying about taking up the challenge and making a transformation in your body, stop delaying now! Just go and do it for a few weeks, it's not "that" hard and can make a real difference. It does take determination and committment however the results have already started to become apparent to me after only one week. I'm going to complete it so I look and feel healthier.

Day 7 - Rest

Don't think I really need to blog about the rest days. Went for a game of golf though, not sure that really counts toward the Bonus Program!


Saturday, 28 May 2011

Day 6 - TSC Challenge

Week 1 - Day 6 - TSC Challenge

Hey hey! I've completed week one! :-)

First let's talk about my statistics. I'm still the same height just in case you thought that might change! (6' 4"). I weighed myself today and was 100.5kg, last week I was 102.5kg and 103kg during the week so it's about a 2kg drop. My BMI is now working out at 27 flat which is a drop of 0.4. My waist has reduced by an inch to 39". So these are all great things that I'm very happy about.

My score today was higher overall but I was unable to do any pull ups at all. None! :-( this is down to my back being tired and sore from the work outs all week but I'm am determined to push myself hard this coming week to then perform next weekend. So, 0 pull ups, 27 press ups (up by 4), and 23:25 on the run (58 seconds faster). So that adds up to 123 points, and increase of 5 points even though I lost 10 points by not being able to do any pull ups. I'm ok with that.

I'm going to stop blogging on the meals that I'm eating as I'm sure you've gotten the idea by now but I will post updates about interesting things I've learned about nutrition etc.

Something I've learned is that sugar is a bad thing for the fat burning and you need to be careful on how much sugar you eat. Sugar is a simple carbohydrate and is digested and turned into energy quickly by the body. Imagine that your body gets a massive intake of sugar (chocolate bar etc), your body reacts by storing some of that energy in your liver for quick fire use, any excess tends to be stored as fat. So if you eat something sugary just before working out then you will have a good boost of energy however you will burn less fat as you body with use the quick fire energy first. Complex carbohydrates, such as vegetables and fruit are digested slower, releasing the energy slower into the body. This energy is used throughout the day and is less likely to be stored as fat. Carbohydrates are (mostly) made up of starches and sugars.

Cereals tend to be high in sugar. As an example, kellogs special k is marketed as a healthy option. Yes, it's low in fat but reasonably high in sugars. Let's say that a cereal has 30g of carbohydrates per 100g, you need to check the "of which sugar" value on the packet too. If it's high in sugar then steer clear if you want to burn fat. I'd look for a sugar to carb ratio of less than half, 30g of carb then look for less than 15g of which sugar but the lower the better. This will then limit the amount of quick fire energy your body has available and force it to burn more fat. I've just got myself a pack of Jordan's muesli which I have with skimmed milk and some fruit in it (quite nice actually). This muesli has about a third of the carbs as sugars so whilst it's not perfect, it's much better than other cereals.

This is similar to the reason for not drinking fruit juice during the program. Fruit when converted to liquid is digested quicker so the body gets a big intake of energy and stores it in the liver again and uses that before burning fat (my friend will probably shout at me for my simplistic explanation). So that's why fruit juice is not allowed during the ten weeks and I like to know the "why".

My body is a tale of two cities. My legs are fine again, a little pain in my calves but nothing much. My arms, shoulders are quite tired and sore especially my left arm, but overall I think I'm in pretty good shape for week one. It is tough and does hurt but I've found that the psychological strength required to drag my body out of bed at 6am to go to the gym to be very tough too. Saying that, I did need to take an ice bath on Tuesday night as my legs were really sore and painful to walk until they had stretched a bit.

Heart of a champion - body of a cripple! ;-)

All in all, I'm confident that I can complete the program and make my body transform into something fitter, faster and stronger. Right now I would say that if you're like me, or like my friend Blair who wants to put on muscle, buy the program and stop delaying yourself from achieving what you want for. Make it happen people, make it happen.



Out of schedule blog.

I just want to talk about something briefly after watching some of Chris Krueger's vlogs.

Check out this video, it's pretty old but it shows a guy who is is pretty good shape already who is about to take steroids to get bigger. Really? Do you think you are this guy?

Ok, putting aside the complex he must be getting at the gym by being the "smallest" guy in the weight room which is more to do with his self esteem and image perception, and trying unsuccessfully to put aside his freakish hair cut! this guy has problems that he's not addressing by unnaturally putting on a bit of muscle. He hasn't earned his new body, he isn't experiencing the benefits of the mind that is associated with working hard toward your goals, and they should not be underestimated!

Do you WANT to be this guy? Do you want to cheat, take the shortcut option and have the bad side effects caused by steroids (anger, bacne, shrunken testicles (!!!!!!! What? SHRUNKEN TESTICLES?), and moobs [man boobs])? is this really who you want to be? Or do you want to be more like the thousands of TSCers across the globe that are earning their transformation, changing their body AND mind for the better, feeling the natural high (not really a high but a general better mood and more optimistic outlook on life) caused by the fact that you are eating properly and working out correctly?

You've got to earn it. Life isn't about shortcuts, it's about making the best of what you've got naturally and being a better person, being a person that you want to be, would you be friends with yourself if you were like this guy? Honestly? Make it happen yourself and the rewards will become apparent very quickly.

Enjoy your life. Later,

Friday, 27 May 2011

Day 5 - shoulders and arms

Day 5 - shoulders and arms.

Body: let's start with the body shall we? Ok, you're call. It's pretty sore actually! My legs are much better and can feel little pain compared to Wednesday (which was bad), maybe the ice bath really helped. My chest and back aren't too bad actually even though I know I pushed myself hard. After today's exercises however my arms are pretty tired and my left arm, which is much weaker than my right, is quite tender in between the tricep and the elbow. I think I probably hurt it doing the dumbbell pulls on Wednesday but either way it's sore. I had a massage today which has really helped and I would recommend that if you do this program that you work out a way to have regular massages, if you have a generous girlfriend then great, otherwise pay for it! (I'm still on about massages by the way!)

Meals: I was told today that cereals, including special K, are high in sugar. Sugar is something that Chris Krueger says is bad during this program so you've got to start ignoring the marketing hype and read the packet! Cereals are almost entirely carbohydrate but the "of which sugars" is almost 100% of the carb. So I'm going to look at making my own muesli so I can control how much sugar is in it. I've also been told about something called quinoa which is almost entirely protein and apparently low on "the bad stuff". I'll let you know if it's any good.

Exercises: today was the shoulders and arms day. It's pretty tough and I was reduced to only lifting 2kg weights while working the triceps! It was tough but a good workout. It's really handy having someone to go to the gym with and I cannot recommend high enough that having a training partner is the way to go. Definitely ask a friend to join the program with you, that way you can motivate each other and share in the benefits of the experience.

One benefit I've noticed is in the mind. Yeah sure I'm generally in a better mood because of the daily release of endorphins and that is also in the mind, but I'm on about something else. You may find that your attitude changes for the better. There have been chores around my flat (apartment for US readers) that I kept on putting off because I couldn't be bothered, but I find now that I want to get them done straight away. It's odd but the procrastination ("putting it off" for UK readers) trigger is no longer there, I just want to deal with it now.


Thursday, 26 May 2011

Day 4 - cardio

Day 4 - cardio

So, up at 6am again and to the gym by 7am. Little tired as I was out salsa dancing last night until midnight but you've got to make that commitment to yourself when you alarm goes off and you just want to stay under the covers. Something that worked for me this morning was to ask myself if I have the heart of a champion, or a quitter? Obviously you are going to say that you do, but that switches something in your head and gives you the resolve to get up and work out. My legs are feeling better and maybe that was because of the ice bath. My chest and back are feeling pretty good considering I destroyed myself yesterday in the gym. Today I did 3.4km on the running machine.

Meals today were a bowl of special k and semi-skimmed milk after the gym. A bag of carrots from Boots for my morning snack. I've been tracking my food intake and have seen that my protein intake has been about a quarter of what it should be, so to boost my protein I decided to pick up a bread roll and stuff it full of chicken breast and ham. I also had a low fat yoghurt which is good for protein, a small bag of fruit while the rest of the office had pizza during a company meeting :-( For dinner I made up some reggae reggae chicken breast and rice with red onion, red pepper and mushroom. It was awesome! I'll have a banana later while out salsa dancing.

Keep going. Almost at the end of week one. I'm worried that I will score less on the pull ups and press ups after my first sessions of upper body exercises, what with the soreness and all, but chin up (quite literally) and dig deep to find the inner strength.


Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Day 3 - Chest & Back

Day 3 - Chest & Back

Slight change to the schedule today as my friend Blair cannot make the gym at 7 am as usual, so we are going this evening before we go out salsa dancing (that's gotta count toward the bonus program right?).

Meals: Breakfast was two scrambled eggs on toast with some fried mushrooms (fried in a little olive oil), and water (always with the water!). Snack at 10:30 was grapes and blueberries (quite like that combo). Lunch was some beef bolognese pasta and a ham and cheese sandwhich (I was hungry!). Snack in the afternoon was a satsuma on it's own as I was still full from lunch. Dinner was ANOTHER beef bolognese dish (the last one that I made) and then a banana later in the evening.

I'm still working on my spreadsheet to track all of this, but I can see already that my fat content is "about" right (it waivers up and down but averages out about right), however my Carbohydrate and Protein measurements are off. The spreadsheet is good for this, I can see where I'm going wrong and make the necessary changes.

Body: I had an ice bath yesterday evening, check out the video on Has it helped? I don't really know to be honest. My legs could have felt like this on their own but I will take the advice of the people in the know (those that have done this). I'm continually stretching today as my legs are in a pretty poor state. This is the price you have to pay for getting out of shape right? I measured my waist today too, I thought it was about 37 inches. Turns out it's 40 inches! (all together: FATBOY) This only toughens my resolve to make the change.

Exercise: Today's exercises focus on the chest and back. The upper body is an area where I KNOW I'm weak so I really need to put a lot of effort into these days to see an improvement and hopefully improve on my pull up score for saturday. The back exercises were tough but the chest lifts almost destroyed me! And to then do as many push ups as possible after was quite demoralising considering I could only do a few at a time, but this only means that I've pushed myself during the session and that leads to improvements.

After the gym session I went salsa dancing for a couple of hours and really worked up a sweat. It was difficult at first as my arms were slow to react to my brain's commands but it got better and was a good post work out ... er ... work out!

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Day 2 – Tuesday Cardio

Day 2 – Tuesday Cardio

: Tuesday is a cardio session where you spend 20 mins doing whatever cardio you like, such as run, bike, row, cross trainer etc. I chose to ride the bike as my legs were still a little unsteady after the previous days workout. I managed 9.34 Km in the 20 mins which gives me a trackable figure to measure myself against. I also did 40 TSC approved crunches as I had energy left over, it was just my legs that were sore.

Diet: Meals today started with a banana before the workout, a banana straight after followed by a bowl of Special K with skimmed milk. I have my usual snacks of satsuma and nuts with dried mixed fruit. I’ve also picked up a Special K cereal bar (P:1.5g C:18g F:1g – Protein, Carb, Fat) so I think I’ll try that too. Lunch was a healthy chicken wrap from sainsburys and a fruit salad pack. I'm tracking my performance and diet on a spreadsheet I'm working on, when it has everything on it that I want, including the statistical analysis I will post it here. Dinner was a the pasta dish I made up a couple of days ago. Snack before bed was a bowl of grapes and blueberries, and of course lots of water!

: As my legs are quite painful, muscle ache kind of pain and not an injury type of pain, I have been stretching a good three times a day. I may try the ice bath tonight so that it doesn’t continue, but it’s manageable and not too bad. I’m expecting much worse from the upper body exercises.

UPDATE: after sitting down for a couple of hours working, my legs have gotten worse. They are very stiff and sore. I must remember to get up every 30 mins or so for a little walk and stretch. No Pain No Gain so they say!!

UPDATE: during the day my legs got worse and worse. DOMS has definitely set it (delayed onset muscle soreness). I went for a jacuzzi and sauna and a stretch but it didn't really do much, so I decided to seriously invest in myself and take an Ice Bath. I've posted videos of it over at so check that out. Has it worked? Well I got up the following day and they are still sore, but who knows!

Day 1 – Monday Legs

Day 1 – Monday Legs

Exercise: Day 1 of the exercise program consists of a number of leg and lower body exercises – lunges, squats, calf lifts and Romanian Dead Lifts (RDL). The idea of the first week is to get a feeling for how much weight you can carry whilst performing the exercises. You’ve got to really focus on your technique otherwise you won’t be getting as much out of the effort you’re putting in.

Diet: Meals today started with a banana as soon as I got up (gym started at 7am). Immediately after exercising I had another banana followed within 30 minutes by a pot of homemade pasta. The pasta dish was penne pasta with lean minced beef, white and red onion, herbs and a tomato pasta sauce. A snack of one Satsuma and some mixed nuts at about 10:30. Drinks were only water. Lunch was a carrot and houmous pot, and a Pepperoni, jalapeno and cheese baguette. It was a bit fatty so I’ll need to keep that in check. Same snack as the morning at 15:30. Dinner at home was a reheated pasta dish like I had for breakfast, I’ve made a few of these so I need to work out what the nutrient levels are. At about 9pm I was quite hungry again so I made myself a sandwich, brown seeded bread, vegetable spread, wafer thin chicken breast, wafer thin ham, and coleslaw. I know the coleslaw is quite fatty but it tastes so good!

Body: My legs are feeling quite tired especially after the run on Saturday, my upper body is a little sore after the pull ups and press ups on Saturday too.

Day 0 – Rest

Day 0 – Rest

Exercise: I had a massage and went salsa dancing for an hour. The dancing is quite light exercise though you do work up a little sweat. I probably stretched 3 or 4 times today, I really think that stretching is going to become common in my daily routine.

Diet: scrambled eggs on toast. Sliced chicken breast, sliced ham, coleslaw on brown bread for lunch. Dried fruit and nuts for snack. Chicken stir fry (sweet chilli sauce) and a slice of bread with spread for dinner. I also grazed on grapes and blueberries during the day. Drinks were mostly water however I am finishing off a fresh fruit drink of orange and mango.

Body: The rest day is not so important on the first week however my legs felt quite sore after the previous day’s run.

Day -1 – 300 challenge.

My starting statistics are: 6'4" (193cm), 225lb (102.5 kg), waist is 40" (101.6cm). BMI 27.4 (overweight).

Exercise: Today was the start, I did the 300 challenge which is a series of exercises designed to provide a weekly measurement statistic. As many pull ups as you can do, as many press ups as you can do and followed by a 3 mile run as fast as you can. Out of a maximum of 300 points I scored a measly 118 points. Whilst my upper body strength is much worse than I thought, I scored reasonably well on the run.

Diet: Meals today were as before however I have started to increase my healthy based snacks – nuts, fruits, dried fruits etc. Drinks were mostly water however I am finishing off a fresh fruit drink of orange and mango.

TSC Body Transformation

Hi everyone.

I want to talk to you about the TSC Transformation Super Challenge created by Chris Krueger. You can read all you like about the program over at and also his youtube channel at

Essentially it is a 10 week exercise and nutrition program which Chris Krueger has detailed and made into a book. I'm not sure what commercial benefits he is getting out of this, if any, but from what I've seen he does come across as a sensible (if quite extroverted) guy that wants to dispell some health rumours. The exercise program itself is quite basic and consists of leg exercises on monday, cardio on tuesday, back on wednesday, cardio on thursday, arms on friday. On saturday you are to take the TSC 300 challenge which is a way of measuring your improvement over the 10 weeks. It is as many as possible pulls up (chin ups) as you can, as many push ups as you can, and a 3 mile run as fast as you can. Each exercise scores a number of points up to 100 giving a maxium total of 300 points.

So, I'm doing the TSC body transformation program and I want to pass on the lessons that I learned to anyone that wants to also transform their body. First I want to explain why I'm doing it. I used to be in the British Army (yeah, I'm British), and left at 30 years old. I'm now almost 37 and have been getting slowly less fit and more fat. The summer is coming so I want to maximise what I've got by being in the best shape that I can. This is about feeling happier and more confident about myself.

This blog will have regular updates on my exercises and diet, and I'm hoping to do a weekly vlog via youtube showing my body change. I'm not about to create a video showing how great I look at the end like others (though I do hope I look great), I want to pass on the knowledge so that it isn't such a daunting prospect for others that want to do it. Something I don't want to do is detail everything and potentially take customers away from Chris' program. I just want to give you some information about how it went for me, what I did, what I ate, what problems I faced and how I overcame them.

There you go. I'm doing it. If you want to do it too and make a change in your life then head over to Chris' page and buy the program, it's simply a pdf document that you can print out, read and follow. Then watch his other videos, and the videos of other TSC'ers (as they're called) for motivation. It's achievable, I'm sure of that. It will hurt and it will take some major committment but it can be done.
